For beginning and intermediate basket makers!

Duration: Meets one Saturday a month from January to April
Dates: Begins Jan 2024. View all dates, schedule and class descriptions for the upcoming course here

Cost: $500 with a non-refundable deposit of $200. There are only 10 spots available in this class.
Instructor: Reisha Beck
(view bio here)

The Course: Throughout human history, all humans of every gender, race and culture cultivated relationships with plants to create and utilize baskets. Before the onset of industrialization and mass production, baskets were used for everyday purposes. The goal of offering basketry classes is to help our community remember their human ancestral knowledge, and to learn a skill that defies the mass-produced consumer culture we find ourselves in. Basketry is a fine craft that helps us to strengthen our connection to the Earth by weaving our past within the present.

This class series is designed for folks new to basketry, or for anyone looking for more guidance in their weaving journey. Participants will not only learn basketry techniques but also how to harvest, process, and tend to the plants they weave with. 

During this workshop series participants will:

  • Gain a foundational understanding of the basic basketry techniques: twining, plaiting, coiling, ribbed baskets, cordage, and more.

  • Work with a variety of local wild materials, including cattails, tule, English ivy, iris leaves, willow, red osier dogwood, pine needles, plantain stems, dandelion stems, various tree barks and more.

  • Receive guidance identifying, finding, harvesting, preparing, and processing the local plant materials we weave with.

  • Receive guidance and one on one instruction as we make your own baskets, in a fun and supportive learning environment.

  • Explore the connections we have with the plant world and build relationships to the plants we weave with.

  • Explore the ethnobotanical history of basketry, both from our bio region and our individual ancestry.

  • Be a part of a creative weaving community that weaves together and supports each other’s weaving journey.

  • Will go home with at least 4 finished baskets, and extra materials to complete their basket if not finished in class.

 Course outline: Full details are located on the calendar page by clicking here.

  • Day 1 January - Twined and plated cattail baskets

  • Day 2 February - Coiled pine needle baskets

  • Day 3 March- Ribbed willow baskets with willow bark and ivy

  • Day 4 April -Folded bark baskets, help finishing past projects and shared lunch


Price $500 with a $200 nonrefundable deposit made upon registration. Remaining $300 paid by first day of class.  All materials and tools are provided/included in cost.

 After applying for this course, we will schedule a personal consultation with you to make sure that you're getting everything that you want and more out of the course. There aren't any pre-requisites, and anyone can sign up. Class sizes stay small so that we can better accommodate students at different skill levels (so don't worry if you're either a beginner or someone who has some experience, because I cater to both). Class size will be capped at 10 this year so that you'll receive plenty of individual instruction. 

View the detailed Basketry Series schedule and calendar here.

Apply by clicking the button below and we will contact you with 48 hours via phone or email. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us directly at Hope to see you in January!

Below are some fun photos of past classes and projects.