Day 7: Biochar, Mushroom Cultivation and Winter Bed Preparation
9:00 AM09:00

Day 7: Biochar, Mushroom Cultivation and Winter Bed Preparation

Location: Raven’s Roots Farm in Ferndale, WA

  • Biochar stove design

  • Make stove to take home in class

  • Storing and using biochar

  • Mushroom cultivation (shiitake, oyster, wine cap)

  • Seed saving part 2

  • Testing soils from the beds made earlier in the year to see biological change

  • Prepping beds for winter

  • Fall composting

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Day 6: Preservation using Fermentation
9:00 AM09:00

Day 6: Preservation using Fermentation

Location: Raven’s Roots Farm in Ferndale, WA

  • Benefits of fermentation: preservation, pre-digestion, probiotics

  • Lactofermentation using fruits and vegetables from the garden

  • Acetic acid ferments: using fruits and medicinal plants from the garden

  • Fermenting legumes and grains (tempeh, acaraje and dosas)

  • Making vinegars from fruits and vegetables harvested on site

  • How to build incubators at a low cost to make yogurt, koji, tempeh and more.

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Day 5: Water Harvesting, Seed Collection and Saving, Hugelkultur
9:00 AM09:00

Day 5: Water Harvesting, Seed Collection and Saving, Hugelkultur

Location: Raven’s Roots Farm in Ferndale, WA

  • Low cost amendments that can be applied in the garden in the fall/winter months.

  • Seed collection, cleaning and saving

  • Plant walk around the gardens

  • Measuring contour lines and making swales

  • Different types of hugelkultur beds. Hands on activity of making a hugelkultur bed.

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Day 4: Perennial Vegetables, Medicinal Plants and Tree Crops for the PNW
9:00 AM09:00

Day 4: Perennial Vegetables, Medicinal Plants and Tree Crops for the PNW

Location: Raven’s Roots Farm in Ferndale, WA

  • Plant propagation: softwood cuttings

  • Plant walk covering medicinal plants that do well in the Pacific Northwest

  • Growing, harvesting and making medicine with medicinal plants throughout the year that do well in the PNW.

  • Plant walk covering perennial vegetables and tree crops

  • Growing, harvesting and cooking with perennial vegetables that do well in the PNW. We’ll prepare lunch from vegetables in the garden

  • How and where to grow the trees covered in our plant walk

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Day 3: Soils Part 2, Composting, Compost Teas, Biochar and more Soil Amendments
9:00 AM09:00

Day 3: Soils Part 2, Composting, Compost Teas, Biochar and more Soil Amendments

Location: Raven’s Roots Farm in Ferndale, WA

  • Thermophilic composting (to eliminate pathogens and undesirable seeds)

  • Composting specifically for fungi

  • Compost teas. Making and applying both the the mulch and foliar applications

  • Microscope workshop part 2. Testing soils we built in first class and finished compost and compost teas.

  • Biochar uses and preparing for the soil (we’ll make stoves in a later class)

  • Low cost soil amendments that can be applied during the summer months

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Day 2: Soils Part 1, Compost Teas, Biochar and Spring Amendments
9:00 AM09:00

Day 2: Soils Part 1, Compost Teas, Biochar and Spring Amendments

Location: Raven’s Roots Campus in Ferndale, WA

  • Understanding the soil food web and the role of mycorrhizal fungi

  • Collecting indigenous micro-organisms from healthy ecosystems to use in our gardens

  • Students bring in soil samples and we test them for biological diversity under the microscope

  • Understanding the role of biochar in nutrient retention and soil health

  • Compost teas: How to make microbial rich teas and apply them to our gardens. We’ll look at teas under the microscope as well

  • Low cost soil amendments applied in the spring

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Day 1: Introduction to Permaculture
9:00 AM09:00

Day 1: Introduction to Permaculture

Location: Raven’s Roots Farm in Ferndale, WA

  • What is permaculture and how it compares to other agricultural design systems

  • Understanding plant succession and how it relates to our gardens

  • Observing mature food forests and building a new one from scratch

  • Permaculture tour of our 5 acre gardens. Over 700 species of useful plants being grown

  • 7 Layers and functional plants

  • Garden preparation for both annual and perennial production

  • Plant propagation techniques: seed starting, grafting, layering and division, hardwood cuttings. We’ll take an inside look at our plant nursery operations.

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